MEVANS, for all your travel needs...

So...I like to travel..a lot! These are my stories.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You can have your Nachos, and eat them too

How fast the weeks fly by when the weather is warm. I can't believe today is the first day of Summer! I'll make up my lack of post-age recently with my stay-cation day trip to Six Flags Great Adventure this past weekend.

Bud and I usually try to schedule a trip to Six Flags every now and then. I'm not a big fan of the 3 hour drive and well, Jersey in general, but hey, you take the good with the bad. I'll sum up the day and say we had a blast and we did enjoy a great day with our friends. I just have to bring up a sore spot that I have with Six Flags corporate for a few paragraphs.

An "Epic Fail" award goes to your Marketing Department, Six Flags. Whoever came up with the idea of putting concession stands in the middle of the queuing areas should be fired - or forced to stand in line. Not only does it really mess up the flow of the line and results in a longer overall wait time; it caused me quite a bit of drama. 

A middle-aged man (who looked like Bob Saget just to give you a visual) proceeded to yell at me and my group for moving around him while he stood at the concession stand and bought what seemed like every item the concession stand sold. Now obviously, we knew the man was in front of us, and of course we would have let him back in front of us after he finished buying snacks for the whole entire theme park. As we politely passed him in line to give him room, he began shouting quite heatedly that we were "cutting him" (because this was clearly the 6th grade lunch line) and that he was "still in line". Thank you Captain Obvious.

So, of course, in true Expedition Evans awkwardness, I turn toward him and said back firmly, "RELAX. We will obviously let you back in line in front of us. Get your nachos, and it'll be FINE."  This was all thanks to you, Six Flags corporate (we did let him back in line, just in case you were wondering).

What can I say, I don't like to be sassed.....and also, who REALLY needs a plate of nachos before careening down a steel track at 60 miles per hour and flipped upside down 5 times? Seriously? I digress.

Happy Summer everyone! 

xoxo mevans

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's Photo Book Go-Time

I try to soak in every memory of my trip - the sights, the people, the food, the culture. I like to take a mental snapshot of absolutely everything, if possible. Of course, pictures help. As you know, I go through a "trip withdrawal" when I get back. Mostly from enjoying a few days of doing absolutely nothing but FUN stuff. When I get back and take a look at my pic(k)s, I get really sentimental about all that. Some might say obsessively so - until Shutterfly entered my life (although Bud tells me I'm equally obsessed with it - I think I talked about how awesome it was for about a week). (shameless plug), is one of those photo sharing websites that lets you upload and share your pictures, as well as make invitations, photo books, calendars, etc. I'm mostly obsessed with the photo book area of this website (they have really great discounts too). Nothing captures your vacay memories quite like a photo book, and helps you relive them at the same time. What I love about it is that you can make captions and edit your pictures. The prices are pretty exceptional, and it's way cooler than just buying a photo album and printing your pictures. Every trip is different, and you can create and customize the books based on what type of trip you went on. 

For example, for our recent trip, I used more of a "scrapbook" theme. This past one was my best creation yet: 

And yes, these are pictures I actually took. 

Warning though, it can be quite time consuming and addicting. I think I spent about 3 hours on this one........because, well, I have no life. JK, JK. 

Defs check it out though, it's really a great site! 

Oh, and you guys got an "Expedition Evans Experience" post, a "What's the Deal-io" post, and a "Pic(k) of the Week" post all in one blog entry. Now that's what I call efficiency!

Have a great weekend everyone! 

xoxo mevans 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Pic(k) of the Week: Meeting the Queen

OK, well we didn't actually meet the Queen - in fact, I don't even think she was "home" when we dropped by Buckingham Palace on that sunny Sunday. We missed the Royal Wedding by about a week. I think these accommodations would certainly suit me. Fun Fact: Buckingham Palace can only be toured for two months out of the summer: August and September. Oh, and no, that's not Lady Gaga in the black sunglasses and leather jacket.....Sorry guys, there was a lot of people around. 

Have a great weekend!

xoxo mevans